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Official launch of the Foreign Travel Management Information System (FOTIMS) and Presidential Directives Management Information System (PDMIS) at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre today.

Today, the Principal Secretary State Department for the ASALs and Regional Development Kello Harsama joined Deputy President H.E. Rigathi Gachagua  alongside Ms. Beatrice Askul Moe CS for East African Community Affairs, the ASALs and Regional Development, Ministry of Infomation, Communication & The Digital Economy CS Dr. Margaret Ndung’u, Broadcasting and Telecommunication PS Kisiangani and the ICT and Digital Economy PS Tanui for the official launch of the Presidential Directives Management Information System (PDMIS) and the Foreign Travel Information Management System (FOTIMS) at  the KICC, Nairobi.

In his remarks, the Deputy President noted that the Launch of the FOTIMS and PDMIS digital platforms is part of the Government’s efforts to enhance governance and streamline public service delivery through digital transformation, stating that the two innovative platforms will be vital in increasing efficiency, transparency and accountability within the Government, marking a significant milestone in our journey toward achieving enhanced operational efficiency and governance.

Present at the function were, Attorney General Ms. Dorcas Oduor, SC, Cabinet Secretary for Public Service Hon. Muturi, and H.E. Wycliffe Ambetsa CS for MSMEs and Cooperatives, among Principal Secretaries, CEOs among other senior government officials.

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